Mini Post: Why Reconciling with Regret is Important to Wholehearted Living

Mini Post: Why Reconciling with Regret is Important to Wholehearted Living

I was so excited to have one of my articles published in Tiny Buddha. It is a popular online publication with excellent articles.

Here is an excerpt:

We have all made decisions that we wish we could reverse. We have said things that we want to take back. We neglected something important, sacred, and cherished, and there were consequences. We might have been too innocent or too absorbed in principle or perfection, and there were emotional casualties. 

These regrets lurk in the back of our minds. They are like dark shadows stalking our heart space, with ropes binding our self-acceptance, keeping us from flying high. We might still be feeling the repercussions of choices made 20, 30, 40 years ago. And even today, the shame and guilt impact our decision-making. 

The mistakes I made that affected my children are the most challenging to process. The abuse in my second marriage was harmful to my children, my community, and me. The fallout took years to unwind. When life seemed back to normal, I had time to see my part in the trauma. Hindsight was my ball and chain, dragging on my self-worth. Time was healing, but I could also be triggered and pulled down the slippery slope to a pile of unresolved remorse.

Please click the link below to read more

Mini Post: Tempeh

Mini Post: Tempeh

Mini Post: Conscious relaxation is key during stressful times.

Mini Post: Conscious relaxation is key during stressful times.