Mini Post: Conscious relaxation is key during stressful times.

Mini Post: Conscious relaxation is key during stressful times.

We are all struggling in one way or another during these tough times. We were just starting to exhale from a two-year pandemic, and now we could be on the brink of an international war. Even though we can reach out to those who are afflicted - or those in power - we may still feel burned out and powerless at the end of the day.

One of the best ways to cope with difficult times is to take care of ourselves in meaningful ways.

We need to bump up exercise and eating well during challenging times, rather than finding comfort in eating junk food and increasing screen time.

Conscious relaxation is key during stressful times. This can mean different things for different people, but here is a list of 9 ideas that might help you find peace and relaxation.

  1. ​Take a bath with lavender oil or Epsom salts. The warmth of the water and the soothing scent will help relax your body and mind.

  2. Do some gentle yoga or stretching. This can help to ease physical tension and promote a sense of calm.

  3. Write in a journal. This can be a great way to process your thoughts and feelings, and it can also be helpful to look back on later.

  4. Make a healthy meal. Nourishing your body with healthy food will help to boost your mood and energy levels.

  5. Take a nature walk. Getting some fresh air and spending time in nature can help clear your head and improve your mood.

  6. Listen to calming music. Music can be a great way to center yourself and relax your mind.

  7. Watch a funny movie or TV show. Laughter is one of the best ways to reduce stress and boost your mood.

  8. Call a friend or family member. Talking to someone you care about can help you feel connected and supported.

  9. Do something creative. Expressing yourself through art, writing, or another creative outlet can be very therapeutic.

Take time for yourself and try out some of these activities the next time you're feeling overwhelmed. Relaxation will make you more effective when the time is right to take action.

For more inspiration get my Free Booklet: 10 Infographics for Emotional Wellness 

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