This morning I feel inspired to tell you about the link between digestion and happiness.

Not only does our digestive system create hormones for digestion, it also plays a part in creating the neurotransmitters that help us feel happy. That is why our stomach is called our "second brain." This second brain, or technically our enteric system, is a part of our nervous system that works without us having to think about it. It will work well and play a part in our overall happiness if we treat it right.

It isn't going to work well if our digestive system is taxed with low-nutrient processed foods, a lack of fiber, and a void of foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics. In that case, it has a hard time making the essential hormones and neurotransmitters that help us feel great. A plant-based diet - you don't have to take out meat, necessarily - will probably clear up 50% of the problems with our digestive system's production of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Some foods help us create serotonin. Chocolate is one of them. But be warned: the "dark side" of chocolate is that it also contains caffeine, which can keep us from sleeping well or sleeping deeply. Another route to increasing our serotonin is to eat foods rich in tryptophan. Some of these are pumpkin and sesame seeds, fish, turkey, chicken, eggs, milk, and cheese.

However, these foods will only help if we digest them well. And if we struggle with digestive issues like IBS, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea - or even less obviously linked struggles like brain fog - stress may be the real culprit.

Our stress levels significantly influence our digestive systems. If we are in "fight or flight," our bodies shunt resources - like blood flow - away from our digestive systems, which are then less able to produce neurotransmitters like serotonin that help make our happy thoughts. Serotonin is also a precursor to melatonin, the hormone which helps us get to sleep and stay asleep. Sleep is necessary to reduce stress. All of this can be a big loop of happiness for us - or not.

We help our bodies and minds relax with conscious relaxation methods like breathing practices, mindful movement like yoga or Qi Gong, or meditation techniques like guided meditation or sitting meditation. Learning what methods work best for us usually pays off with better digestion and becoming calmer.

For the best information on Holistic Health and Natural Medicine, I go to Mountain Reblance website by Janel Anderson. It is packed with a lot of great digestion and health information.